Penny Hubbard was found in her apartment, passed away on Fri., Jan. 21st, 2022. Her beloved fur
baby, Bertha, was found by Penny's favorite 2 PT girls and adopted by a new loving home.
Penny Hubbard lived and experienced life for 79 years. She had numerous jobs in her life including
delivering newspapers and working for the school system. She loved the beach life and deep sea
She leaves behind 1 brother, 4 children (with spouses), 8 grandchildren (some with spouses) and 1
great grandchild.
She has a plethora of friends to share memories from her childhood days to the dance studio people;
From her knitting groups to neighbors; From her Facebook groups including the Outlander and
knitting - to name a few. She was supportive of the websites: Bullies 2 the rescue, and The Elephant
Sanctuary in Tennessee.
Her memorial will be announced at a future date but we would love to read about special memories
from all who knew her.