Prayer For My Son
Dear loving Lord,
When he was just a baby,
I held him in my hands as you hold me tenderly in yours.
Teach me to trust and not fear for my son.
As I am your child, so is he
Let me give him up to you
Show me all authority comes only from you, Lord
Make me a true authority by making me a servant.
Let me be strong for his sake
Teach me to discipline, not with anger or frustration,
but with wisdom and love
Let me treat him as you treat me
Accepting, forgiving, guiding, letting me be me.
Jesus gave his life for me
Let me give up my desires, my plans, and my image of my son.
Instead, let your will be done.
Watch over him, protect him
Let him come to know you
Dear loving Lord, let him find you as a friend and Master
Let him find joy in your Word
Through your mercy and grace,
In the name of Jesus,